When the document has been sent to sign, the signers will receive it through email. If they take too long to sign, cannot find the mail or delete it by accident, we can send them a signature reminder.
To send the signature reminder, we will go to the "Documents" tab in the platform's top menu and then click on the "sent to sign" status of the document in question, which is a shortcut to the current signature process.
We can also access the signature process using the left menu inside the document environment.
Once we get there, in the "Signature status" section, we will be able to send a signature reminder to any of the signers that have not signed the document yet.
Even though we can send as many reminders as needed, we must keep in mind that every time we click on "Send reminder" we will send a new mail. We should use this functionality in moderation, leaving some time between reminders to avoid sending too many emails that could confuse the user.
As we can see in the image below, the signature reminder will appear in the signers' inbox, giving them access again to the document to read it, accept the conditions, and sign.
If you need help to start a signature process, you may find interesting this article about how to e-sign with Bigle Legal.